d. learning and developmental delay. When problem-solving, deciding which method to use depends on the need for either accuracy or speed. B. B. 110-120. They will always result in a correct solution, if there is a correct solution to be found. When the solution to a problem suddenly comes to mind, it is called: c. confirmation bias. In keeping with the computer analogy, some information in your long-term memory would be like the information you have saved on the hard drive. c. Fetal alcohol syndrome Moreover, you probably are good at staying balanced, but cannot tell someone the exact way you do it. You absorb a large quantity of information by listening to and participating in discussions, examining maps, and reading first-hand accounts of peoples lives. From a language perspective, Jordan is having difficulty with a specific _______. The third form of retrieval is relearning, and its just what it sounds like. Can you get these things done before you head to class or will they need to wait until school is done? d. pragmatic, In the brain, creating a mental image is _______ seeing an actual image. C. 60. Q. C. mental set C. functional fixedness. a. morpheme For example, an emergency room doctor making a decision about how to treat a patient could use an algorithm approach. Implicit memory has been studied with cognitive demand tasks, such as performance on artificial grammars (Reber, 1976), word memory (Jacoby, 1983; Jacoby & Witherspoon, 1982), and learning unspoken and unwritten contingencies and rules (Greenspoon, 1955; Giddan & Eriksen, 1959; Krieckhaus & Eriksen, 1960). C. the representativeness heuristic declarative memory. a. mental set. The concept of episodic memory was first proposed about in the 1970s (Tulving, 1972). a. ADHD Monique routinely uses a shredder to shred her junk-mail into confetti-sized pieces of paper, which she then just throws away. B. representativeness heuristic. A. quiz 12 Flashcards by Ace Ade | Brainscape a. communicate with one another; dream more vividly Question 2. The working memory files hold a limited amount of information. As other children in his school line up for lunch on the first day of kindergarten, Ben demands to be at the beginning of the line. C. 90. D. come in different forms. d. valid. Which of the following characteristics is essential to the process of critical thinking? When solving a problem, if a person is hesitant or unable to think beyond solutions that have worked in the past, he or she is stuck in: While each situation is unique, you may want to use an algorithm when being accurate is the primary concern. Is an innate human ability to understand and produce language. divide them into groups of data that are near each other. ________ is a learning disability characterized by difficulty with learning to read fluently and with accurate comprehension, despite normal intelligence. Using the present value factors in your text (Tables 6-4 and 6-5), the net present value of the project is (rounded) B. divergent thinking. You might perform this script two or three times each day. refers to the sense that one is in control of one's own life. She carefully follows her mother's recipe to ensure that the dish turns out correctly. accident and has suffered brain damage that has severely limited mental functioning, The ability to analyze, judge, evaluate, compare, and contrast are characteristics of ________ intelligence. d. collective monologue. While schemata allow for more efficient information processing, there can be problems with schemata, regardless of whether they are accurate: Perhaps this particular firefighter is not brave, they just work as a firefighter to pay the bills while studying to become a childrens librarian. Natural concepts It involves a process of comparison. You know snow from the indirect experience of seeing pictures of falling snowor from watching films that feature snow as part of the setting. Question 3. A. b. learning concepts first helped students have better vocabularies. Answer the following statements true (T) or false (F) in Business. a. the same ability. PRNGs attempt to create numbers that are as random as possible. It was first demonstrated by William Bousfield (1935) in an experiment in which he asked people to memorize words. D. unreliable. citation tool such as, Authors: Rose M. Spielman, William J. Jenkins, Marilyn D. Lovett. For example, what was your professor wearing the last class period? D. It refers to reasoning from a general principle that individuals know to be true to a specific instance. Heritability has no meaning when applied to a single case. and you must attribute OpenStax. An algorithm is often expressed in the form of a graph, where a square represents each step. The body's tendency to maintain an equilibrium, or steady state, is known as, Motivation for sexual behavior is centered in the. In one particular case, he was asked to identify the number of morphemes in the word "rescuer." Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author and educational consultant focused on helping students learn about psychology. b. However, the activations do not spread in just one direction. One barrier to innovative problem solving is persisting in using techniques that have been successful in the past, also known as: In order to organize this staggering amount of information, the mind has developed a "file cabinet" of sorts in the mind. Which of the following statements is true of the adolescent brain? OpenStax is part of Rice University, which is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. C. an introvert. A. rethink and redefine his problem. "think outside the box" in order to succeed in college. both convergent thinking and divergent thinking. Participants remembered about 80% of the trigrams after a 3-second delay, but only 10% after a delay of 18 seconds, which caused them to conclude that short-term memory decayed in 18 seconds. Could semantic encoding be beneficial to you as you attempt to memorize the concepts in this chapter? D. socially maladjusted. Algorithms allow automation of complex tasks. A. People often form general rules and concepts based on specific experiences and examples. Compare Points of View Should democracies take action to help prevent dictatorships? Our powerful event schema dictates our behavior in the elevator, and it is no different with our phones. In psychology, one of these problem-solving approaches is known as an algorithm. 1. Choose all that apply. most scores are around the average score. IQ is assumed to be normally distributed with a mean IQ of 100 and a typical standard deviation of about: Once we receive sensory information from the environment, our brains label or code it. b. four C. practicing groupthink Algorithms consist of a combination of sequences, selections, and/or . The perfect slogan becomes apparent to you, but you are not consciously aware of how you figured it out. D. Inductive reasoning, ________ is the tendency to report falsely, after the fact, that we accurately predicted an outcome. Heuristics could also be called: You likely thought about staying upright in the beginning, but now you just do it. D. creative, US FR Final: First Period: Early Years of the. According to Piaget, egocentrism refers to young children's. Despite not knowing this person, already you have unknowingly made judgments about them. Which of the following is true of long-term memory? C. They strive to evaluate their work subjectively. Semantic memory is typically reported as facts. b. a dictionary-like entry. Schemata also help you fill in gaps in the information you receive from the world around you. B. The acoustic processing questions asked the participants about the sound or rhyming of the words, and the semantic processing questions asked the participants about the meaning of the words. Five-year old Jordan is seeing a speech therapist in his preschool once a week because he has difficulty saying the "r" sound in his own name. In order for people to be able to tell you how many televisions they have in their house, they would probably use: Which of the following is a true statement regarding algorithms? Texting while driving is dangerous, but it is a difficult event schema for some people to resist. He looked all through the glove compartment for a flashlight so that he could get a better look under his seat. Very few people can recall events in this way; right now, fewer than 20 have been identified as having this ability, and only a few have been studied (Parker, Cahill & McGaugh 2006). Algorithms can be used to achieve just about any logical flow, but based on the input, expected output, and complexity of the logic to get from the input to the output, the efficacy of an algorithm can vary. a. snacks and friends. A child with a mental age of 9 and a chronological age of 12 has an IQ of This implies that Descriptions: Algorithms can be written to solve every problem. a. availability heuristic c. concepts; language D. drop out of college. Thus, algorithmic problem solving actually comes in two phases: derivation of an algorithm that solves the problem, and conversion of the algorithm into code. What memory problems is she most likely to have now? Explicit memory is sometimes referred to as declarative memory, because it can be put into words. You must be able to retrieve information from memory in order to do everything from knowing how to brush your hair and teeth, to driving to work, to knowing how to perform your job once you get there. When you are solving problems for your math homework, you don't want to risk your grade on a guess. A. The higher one's degree of practical intelligence: b. Retrieval, or getting the information out of memory and back into awareness, is the third function. Problem-solving is a mental process that involves discovering, analyzing, and solving problems. Another technique used by your brain to organize information is the identification of prototypes for the concepts you have developed. The monkeys were more attached to the artificial mothers that were warm and soft. C. are ill defined or vague. C. 75. a. is an innate human ability to understand and produce language. When comparing algorithms and heuristics, what is the advantage of using heuristics for solving real-life problems? We organize the information with other similar information and connect new concepts to existing concepts. The OpenStax name, OpenStax logo, OpenStax book covers, OpenStax CNX name, and OpenStax CNX logo D. categorical thinking. how long ago the event takes place. which of the following is true about algorithms quizlet psychology. In the process, your brain gathers details that inform and refine your understanding of related concepts like democracy, power, and freedom. [P3] P3 Abstracting 5.2.1A 5.2.1B 5.2.1C 6. which of the following is true about algorithms quizlet psychology Jacob received his score on his math paper and realized that he performed poorly. According to the Atkinson-Shiffrin model of memory, information passes through three distinct stages in order for it to be stored in long-term memory. A. an adult who, after 30 years of normal intellectual functioning, is involved in an automobile accident and has suffered brain damage that has severely limited mental functioning If, however, youve lived your whole life on the island of Saint Vincent in the Caribbean, you may never have actually seen snow, much less tasted, smelled, or touched it. transformers: power of the primes swoop; mountaingate country club celebrity members; portmore st catherine jamaica; death note boyfriend scenarios when you cuddle D. precision, ________ is a characteristic of good problem solvers. Some common ones include: The upside of using an algorithm to solve a problem or make a decision is that yields the best possible answer every time. Which of the following is a difference between cross-sectional and longitudinal studies? D. attention bias. _____ involves the ability to think about something in novel and unusual ways and to devise unconventional solutions to problems. An algorithm is a finite sequence of precise instructions for performing a computation or solving a problem. 13 Event schemata like these are the reason why many habits are difficult to break once they have been acquired. Which of the following statements describe how algorithms are used in everyday life? Generally, recall is somewhat better for random numbers than for random letters (Jacobs, 1887) and also often slightly better for information we hear (acoustic encoding) rather than information we see (visual encoding) (Anderson, 1969). D. hindsight bias. Want to cite, share, or modify this book? d. mental sets. c. 30 d. Analytical intelligence, Shelly took the Stanford-Binet test at age 10 and scored a mental age of 13. C. Heuristics are shortcut strategies. Upon waking each morning, you begin thinkingcontemplating the tasks that you must complete that day. Whichofthefollowingoptionsistrueaboutalgorithms?a. Which of the following is true of algorithms? How do you get that information back out of storage when you need it? Read the following sentences (Bransford & McCarrell, 1974), then look away and count backwards from 30 by threes to zero, and then try to write down the sentences (no peeking back at this page!). (credit: Robert Couse-Baker). _________ often work with individuals who have traumatic brain injury. 75 a. emotional intelligence. Algorithms are strategies usually based on employing past experience to solve problems. d. is the latest technology in teaching deaf people to talk. b. naturalist intelligence. Participants were given words along with questions about them. Then, information in STM goes to long-term memory (you save it to your hard drive), or it is discarded (you delete a document or close a web browser). C. used an algorithm to solve her packing problem. According to linguist Noam Chomsky, a language acquisition device (or LAD): 110 Arrows then branch off from each step to point to possible directions that you may take to solve the problem. As we continue to examine thinking, keep in mind how powerful the forces of concepts and schemata are to our understanding of the world. 3.Question 1 2 pts Which of the following is not true about algorithms. It involves recollection of visual imagery as well as the feeling of familiarity (Hassabis & Maguire, 2007). conception, zygote, embryonic period, fetal period. B. both convergent thinking and divergent thinking. One barrier to innovative problem solving is persisting in using techniques that have been successful in the past, also known as: The type of short-term memory (or computer file) depends on the type of information received. Which of the following statements is true of short-term memory?Its Short-term memory (STM) is a temporary storage system that processes incoming sensory memory. Our ability to retrieve information from long-term memory is vital to our everyday functioning. c. Clinical neuropsychologists Knowing which approach to use is important because these two methods can vary in terms of speed and accuracy. D. Unlike heuristics, algorithms lead to different answers to a given problem. To see how visual encoding works, read over this list of words: car, level, dog, truth, book, value. d. where a person lives does not, What a person knows about a particular type of object does, A recent study has shown that for a group of individuals with ______, computerized cognitive exercises that placed increasing demands on auditory perception were beneficial. Fact checkers review articles for factual accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. moment. Current research suggests that it is the habit, or event schema, of checking our phones in many different situations that makes refraining from checking them while driving especially difficult (Bayer & Campbell, 2012). Rating: 2 (1173 Rating) Highest rating: 5. A. most scores are around the average score. A. involves developing uniform procedures for administering and scoring a test, as well as creating norms, or performance standards, for the test. c. mental sets. In the United States, children often learn the alphabet through song, and they learn the number of days in each month through rhyme: Thirty days hath September, / April, June, and November; / All the rest have thirty-one, / Save February, with twenty-eight days clear, / And twenty-nine each leap year. These lessons are easy to remember because of acoustic encoding. The brain is endlessly perceiving, processing, planning, organizing, and rememberingit is always active. Question 64: Reinforcement learning algorithm tries to (select one that . An algorithm for determining use of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy. predict the behavior of a specific individual? In other instances, you might be able to follow different paths that will all lead to the same solution. It is sometimes referred to as the "I-knew-it-all-along effect.". Trial and error is another term for: A company uses a spreadsheet to prepare its statement of cash flows. b. like a photo negative of Your improved bicycle riding was due to learning balancing abilities. Think of it as the information you have displayed on your computer screen, such as a document, spreadsheet, or website. It is improved by chunking and rehearsal techniques. A. OTHER QUIZLET SETS. He later realized he could have just held his cell phone under the seat to help illuminate the area. That song's effect could be an implicit emotional memory (Yang, Xu, Du, Shi, & Fang, 2011). nondeclarative (implicit) memory. In the context of human development, _____ refers to the individual's environmental and social experiences. A heuristic is a mental shortcut that allows people to quickly make judgments and solve problems. Stimuli can vary and may include words, pictures, and other stimuli to elicit a response or increase recognition. d. apple, ________ is the ability to adapt and deal with new problems or challenges the first time you encounter them. It was first demonstrated by William Bousfield (1935) in an experiment in which he asked people to memorize words. a person's age at the time the memory is processed. a. The best strategy for solving a problem depends largely on the unique situation. But if time is of the essence, then an algorithm is likely not the best choice. C. do not guarantee an answer. A person's schema for a library would most likely include: D. relying on the opinions of others. It encompasses all the things you can remember that happened more than just a few minutes ago. c. Vygotsky In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray made the unfounded claim that: b. syntax. When solving a problem, if a person is hesitant or unable to think beyond solutions that have worked in the past, he or she is stuck in: consent of Rice University. D. 95, Which of the following would NOT be a case of mental retardation? When thoughts are formed, the mind synthesizes information from emotions and memories (Figure 7.2). A role schema makes assumptions about how individuals in certain roles will behave (Callero, 1994). Because event schemata are automatic, they can be difficult to change. d. confirmation bias. c. some sign language and many sounds. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. creating norms, or performance standards, for the test. D. Algorithms lead to different answers to a given problem. a. the less likely that person will succeed in an academic setting. He has never been to any of Cooper's soccer games or met any of his friends. d. verbal/linguistic intelligence. c. gifted people are more prone to mental illness. c. theory of "private speech." "rule of thumb." Cognitive psychology studies all of the following EXCEPT Why is this? d. do not communicate. c. Superordinate concepts Although individual experiences and expertise can affect concept arrangement, concepts are believed to be arranged hierarchically in the mind (Anderson & Reder, 1999; Johnson & Mervis, 1997, 1998; Palmer, Jones, Hennessy, Unze, & Pick, 1989; Rosch, Mervis, Gray, Johnson, & Boyes-Braem, 1976; Tanaka & Taylor, 1991). D. Hindsight bias. a. an algorithmic solution You may find yourself asking, How much information can our memory handle at once? To explore the capacity and duration of your short-term memory, have a partner read the strings of random numbers (Figure 8.5) out loud to you, beginning each string by saying, Ready? and ending each by saying, Recall, at which point you should try to write down the string of numbers from memory.
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