People are not all good or all evil , From the years 1789 to 1930 Europe went through a dramatic democratic change. The Russian Revolution and the French Revolution were unique in their ways, the two Revolutions were fought by the people of each country to liberate themselves of the tyrannical regime that oppressed them and the results of the French and the Russian revolution were the ousting of the government of the two countries of that time. The people were aiming to start a constitution to possibly end the revolution, but the constitution failed much like Russian Duma because it was a sharing of power between the King and Assembly which caused them to be at odds with each other. The French Revolution did not stop there. During the late 18th century, America a country ruled by The United Kingdom, had no control of the thirteen colonies. WebTHE FRENCH AND RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS 371 with which nature so richly endowed Bonaparte. Putin is exceptionally well at being a hypocrite. Use your promo and get a custom paper on Comparing the French and Russian Revolutions of 1917. The Glorious revolution was an attempt by many nationalists to release King James. This only lead to an uproar of citizen fighting against the British Lobsterbacks and with the support of the French, America gained its independence. The Americans were driven by In the search of equality, these two revolutions used different ideals of equality. The French Revolution was one of the most Another similarity between the U.S. and France is that they both elect their political leaders. The economic and ideological cause of the liberal phase of the government was due to the disputes over inequality among the estates and dismantling of the old regime, while the cause of the radical phase of the government was based off of the belief that the revolution did not meet the original revolutionary beliefs. Explains that the russian revolution was two revolutions, one in march 1917 and the other in october 1917. tsar nicholas ii, the autocratic ruler, clung stubbornly to his power. Check out this FREE essay on Similarities between Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution and use it to write While they struggled under oppressive rule, they suffered under different reasoning. eNotes Editorial, 24 July 2019, WebThe French had a desire to put an end to the French Monarchy and develop a more improved government that allowed people to have more rights in the society. Radical leaders eventually got control over the government, such as Robespierre with the Committee of Public Safety and they issued their own policies Then, the Russian Revolution eventually ended with the Soviet Union taking control of Russia, similar to how Napoleon took control of France in the French Revolution. Socially, both revolutions involved a massive and discontented peasantry that often had very different expectations for the revolution from urban radicals. The Palace, Versailles, was built by king Louis XIV and the expenses for building this village was very high, and in later years the cost for its upkeep would play a significant role in Frances financial difficulties. Another difference is that the French revolution was started in the 1700s and had a lesser impact on the world. Both countries had a monarchy with a ruler that could not properly assist his people, specifically the classes that were heavily taxed on. WebAnswer: Thats an interesting question Lets start with the differences 1st okay. King Kamehameha was the man who conquered and united all of the Hawaiian islands. France was very similar in this aspect; to anger their longtime enemy, Great Britain, they funneled away funds to the American Revolution. The country became united and a very powerful country that for a time was prospering. Stalins rise to immense power started in his lower thirties. The French Revolution and the Russian Revolution have an astronomical amount of similarities. The French Revolution of 1789-1799 was one of the most important events in the history of the world. Tsar Nicholas of the Soviet Union was in huge debt after World War I (Pipes), while the French Monarch had mismanaged the finances of France (Feher). The animals went along with all the things he said but disagreed at times until Squealer manipulated their minds into thinking Napoleon was a good leader. What are the Differences and similarities between power and From essays to dissertations, we offer paper writing services of exquisite quality, in line with college and university standards. One such innovation is mammography., The choice of topic for this paper results from the case of leukemia in my family. The masses demanded reforms and had been ignored so things got worse. Both of these countries had different The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Protest, demonstrations, and chaos would ensue because of the hardship going on. It may be hard to determine the main reasons for the Revolution, but the spark can be narrowed down to three main reasons. WebDifference between French Revolution and Russian Revolution: Period: The French revolution lasted from 1789 to 1799. The Russian revolution took place in 1917. Causes: The French revolution was the result of a bad economy with unbearable taxes and the bad leadership of Louis XVI. The Russian revolution was the result of a bad Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This is considered a major turning point in European history which has led to dramatic changes in France and other regions of the world. The Enlightenment had many different philosophs, a well known one was John Locke(1632-1704). When Nicholas II reigned as tsar of Russia many had already disliked his powerful ruling., Both absolute ruler have wanted to expand. Similarities: - Caused by Absolute monarchy. Therefore, The French Revolution of 1789 had several causes not only due to political, but also due to social and economic issues and problems as well that made France ripe for revolution. Unlike the Join the team and get paid for writing about what you love. In 1804 the great Napoleon became the new emperor of France which marked the end of the French Revolution. A sad and gloomy tone is seen in both poems Eliot may be speaking to his soul or with a partner, but Bekas expresses the poem through apostrophe. Both the French Revolution of the late 18th century and the Russian Revolution of the early 20th century share a few similarities. The third group of the third estate was the peasants. (3) failure of the Congress of Vienna. Very much like the Russian Revolution, the French realized that King Louis XVI was doing nothing to solve the financial crisis as well as high taxation and so the General Estates held a mass revolt against the King which came to be known as The Storming of the Bastille. Many people had their natural rights renounced and werent able to have a political voice. It was rather the result of the accumulation of many events spread all through the 18th century. Money-Back Policy, Copyright 2013- 2023 - These revolutions were similar in a way, because they both were fighting against their suppressing powers and one difference was the way that unity shaped the way they gained independence. Such as in their government, the poverty/class structure and the radical Communism triumphed in China in 1949, 30 years after the Russian Revolution. Lenin becomes the chairman of the new communist government which marks the end of the Russian Revolution of 1917. Revolution was the only way average people or citizens felt they can challenge and fight the ultimate power. The Revolution also gave new meanings and new ideas to the political ideas of the people.

The French Revolution was spread over the ten year period between 1789 and 1799. They seized governmental and public buildings. Accessed May 01, 2016. These strikes were created to protest against and to blame Czar Nicholas II for Russias poor performance in WWI and severe food shortages that the country facing. Poor Sample: 6C Score: 1 This essay has a thesis that merely restates the question. Russian revolution, on the other hand, had communist values and occurred due to collapse of government from the top. (4) Continental System in Europe. It was very fast and efficient. he reversed the bolshevik agrarian policy by seizing land given earlier to the peasants and organizing collective farms. One similarity is that Liberals and Conservatives agree that hierarchies should be used as an organizing principle of society which is something that they both have kept the same for many years. The French Revolution (1789-1814) was a period that affected the outcome of world history tremendously. Maximillien Robespierre the leader of the Reign of Terror in the French Revolution. Both were short in stature, both visionaries and motivators of men and of their ideas. In 1855-1881 Alexander II reigned and during his time he emancipated the serfs of Russia in 1861. Which was a key point in this revolution; it was at this time that the Roman Catholic Church started to lose its power to the people. This was mainly due to the large majority amount of Third Estate members. Each person is a prisoner of their own social background, willingly or unwillingly. There was a stalemate that continued between Bonaparte and the Legislative Assembly. Caesar updated the Roman Calendar and contributed to many reforms that helped the common people of his empire. The French began the Tennis Court Oath, the Storming of the Bastille, and the overthrown of Monarchy. In an article on the titled The Russian Revolution of 1917, the author says the government tried to help by passing factory acts to restrict the amount of hours one could work. WebBoth the French and Russian revolutions had similar causes but ended up with different results. Study for free with our range of university lectures! A comparison of the actions of the Jacobins during the French Revolution and the actions. How does the saying "ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi makakarating sa paroroonan" relate to history? "Compare the French Revolution and the Russian Revolution." The French turned towards western democracy and shaped their country that way; whereas, the Russians went head long into communism. Napoleon Bonaparte would seize control of France. They had then joined with the Soviets to get the support of the peasants, workers, and soldiers. Despite not being in line to inherit any of them, Kamehameha forcefully took control of every island except for Kauai and eventually united all of the islands under his rule. The French Revolution of 1789 was one of mass chaos. Although there were some differences in both revolutions, they were still very much alike. The French Revolution arises from the form of protest about certain unfavorable conditions such as high tax rate in France. Unfortunately, despite the revolution nothing was changing for every day people. The Russian Revolution of 1917. The Russian Revolution of 1917. - Resulted in mass murders. The October Revolution was a revolution against the provisional government by the Bolsheviks who made the country the first communist state (Pipes 42-49). Analyzes how stalin was the dictator of the soviet union during the russian revolution. He had many important roles in the Haitian Revolution and he should be remembered as a military commander more than he should be remembered as a liberator of slaves or ruler of Saint Domingue. The American Revolution against the British during 1775 to 1783 and the French Revolution pitting the French people against their own government during 1789 to 1799 were both very important political and social turnovers. Some of the most important causes of the French Revolution were the economic crisis, the rising tensions between the social classes, the shortcoming of the rule of Louis XVI, and the Age of Enlightenment. Compare the French and the Russian Revolutions. The Constitution of 1795 was created which made the French government a bicameral legislature which the people could now be equally represented and their aims could become accomplished, but again this constitution was not perfect and only lasted four years. (2) Both revolutions were the result of government denial of basic In August 1917, Kornilov, a Russian general, had tried to steal the power from The Soviets with the Provisional Governments support. They both support the idea of everyone being able to live another persons life in the sense that someone poor could still receive the education that a wealthy person gets. The king was gambling with money that the country did not have. They people never liked Louis and Nicholas because of things like The Russian Revolution paved the way for the rise of communism as an influential political belief system around the world. It set the stage for the rise of the Soviet Union as a world power that would go head-to-head with the United States during the Cold War. Kauna unahang parabula na inilimbag sa bhutan? The aftermath of the Russian Revolution of 1917 would allow communism to be unfortunately spread across the globe from this new government that was now in place in Russia. Britain needed the colonies for financial support, they had been at war with France for thirty years, Britains treasury was in need of funds. What are the advantages and disadvantages of freedom? The French masses deserved the chance to prosper in their life and the only way to achieve this was by forcing the greedy nobility to make reforms. One of the main causes of these revolutions was the grinding poverty. The American Revolution also influenced the coming of The French Revolution. Lincoln was a supporter of stopping the expansion of slavery which won him the popularity of the northern states. 1. Horrible leadership and involvement in World War One or what is now as The Great War had left Russia destitute, impoverished, and riddled with corruption. Both nation under the absolute ruler have been in war for many year and it have only brought modest territory expansion.. They had their similarities, their differences, and their differences in similarities. Due to this, the National Assembly was created by the Third Estate to discuss the issues themselves but eventually members of nobility as well as clergy members would come to join them. Up until 1792, Louis XVI was reigning in France. Iran rejected the idea of Westernization because of their disdain of the West caused by previous invasions by America (Michelle Gerken). For example, both countries had strict rule, France having absolute monarchy and Russia having autocracy, prior to the revolutions. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. WebMany lesser nobles and pro-government generals were killed in purges during the French Revolution and Russian Revolution. A teacher walks into the Classroom and says If only Yesterday was Tomorrow Today would have been a Saturday Which Day did the Teacher make this Statement? As a result, both revolutions were sparked by the peoples desire to replace their autocracy governments. Both King Kamehameha and Napoleon I were effective leaders during their rule. WebCheck Writing Quality. Accessed 4 Mar. Napoleon relates to Joseph Stalin because they both are not good speakers, not as educated as Snowball. Similarly, the two politicians had supporters of their cause and people who went against them and strongly opposed the changes they made to the political systems of their individual countries. Why do people say that forever is not altogether real in love and relationship. On Time scale Both revolution differs in time. - Overthrew their leaders and (1) The leaders in power before the revolutions favored changing the political system in their country. The revolutions of the American Colonies, France and Latin America had a common thread in that they wanted free from rule by a corrupt government. Thank you for reaching out. Both of these revolutions were lead by leaders including: George Washington was the commander and chief of the American Revolution. They also shared some of the same negative characteristics such as cruelty, selfishness, deviousness, and corruption. However, there is a difference that makes the American revolution succeeded while the French revolution doesnt. Economically, both revolutions were driven by extreme shortages. Their leaders made poor Napoleon lived as another did continuing a cycle of viciousness while Huss created a new way of life proving that when people conform the past repeats itself and when you do not conform you create a new way of life and a change of. The Russian Revolution, on the other hand, was sparked by privations resulting from Russia's involvement in World War I, and particularly by coal and oil shortages, among other things, in Petrograd, the Russian imperial capital. Another thing that is worthy of note, is in the fact the financial system of France and Russia were on the brink of collapse before the revolution. This is considered one of the biggest negatives to hit the world. The rise of the industrial class went hand in hand with the peasant class as the industrial class more or less controlled the peasant class who had no choice but to get jobs at the big industries. These wars ended up being very costly and bad for the French. The second half of the essay is off task. The similarities are that the French leader, Louis XVI, and the Russian leader, Nicholas II were both rulers who didn't really want to be the ones in charge. What are some similarities between the French Revolution Russian revolution and The American Revolution? to be the ones in charge. This is willingly admitted. Which caused the situation to further implode. France was in grinding poverty since the peasants could not harvest their crops due to bad weather. When news of the unrest reached the czar, he ordered the military to put an end to the riots by the next day, and on February 26th, 1917, several troops of a local guard regiment fired upon the crowds, but however many soldiers felt pity and empathy for the protesters than the czar, and on the next day, more than 80,000 soldiers join the protest even directly fighting the police. The main difference between the Bourgeoisie and the others in the third estate was that the Bourgeoisies were educated, specifically in enlightenment ideas. Webwhose works on the French Revolution have helped me to gain new insights into the Russian Revolution. A Comparison Between the Russian and the French Revolution Essay, n.d. However, apart from these, the basic revolutions were completely different nature and cause. The French Revolution took place during the latter half of the 18th century. After he reigned his son Alexander III did, and he ended this political reform efforts and returned Russia to an absolute rule. A difference between the two is that the Russians had an unsuccessful "pre-revolution" in 1905. Both revolutions occurred after the spreading of enlightment ideas. There can be no doubt as to the fact that there are many similarities between French Revolution of 1792 and Russian Revolution of 1917. While Stalin used the KBG for control. Toussaint Louverture played three major roles in the Haitian Revolution. Copyright 2003 - 2023 - UKEssays is a trading name of Business Bliss Consultants FZE, a company registered in United Arab Emirates. Russia was running low on funds from entering into World War I; they would have been better financially had they stayed out of the conflict. The Colonies in America wanted free from under British rule but wanted to keep the laws and traditions they had acquired from England. The conflicts, which started as protests and demonstrations, quickly turned violent, leading to the execution of many in the ruling classes. Revolutions are a time of rebellion where those go against the government and demand reform or change. However, through deeper understanding of their personalities and true motivations, similarities start unearthing, Some similarities between France and the U.S. are their history. Britain could not support itself sufficiently financially without raising taxes of their citizens to the point of starvation. Due to the Bolsheviks tyrannical leadership the masses rights to freedom were taken away and education began to fail; furthermore, there was no longer a freedom to religions. differences between realism and realist in art, Compare is head of state and the differences, Continue Learning about Movies & Television. The reason behind why their revolution ended up with a dictator in charge is that, these countries are both country with at least hundreds years history, and during all these time people were living ruling under a king. rulers and their families were executed. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a double phase war that took place in February and October of that year (date according to the Julian calendar) (Pipes).
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